Tips on how to turn an ordinary healthcare presentation to something interactive and fun

From years of schooling to eight or more hours of everyday work, doctors’ bread and butter have been centered on making patients’ lives better. Not only do doctors check the details of each patient’s case, they also try to get a sense of what’s going on, and then figure out the medicines they should prescribe. With a lot of medications available on the other hand, medical representatives (MRs) get in touch with doctors to recognize their requests and convince them that the products or services they offer can best please the patients. They don’t only deliver lectures or presentations focused on product quality, safety, effectiveness, price, availability, and company reputation, they also maintain an updated knowledge about competitor products. Given the long hours doctors spend at work, sitting in boring presentations is among the things they dread the most. Sitting in a boring presentation where you simply talk to doctors can make eyes glaze over and cause doctors to completely lose interest.

When putting together a presentation, you want it to be engaging. Whether presenting it live or using interactive materials, you would want to keep your target audience engaged and entertained. Here are five tips to convert boring presentations to something interactive and fun:

  1. Think of activities to break the ice – Every doctor may come to a presentation in a completely different mood. A simple ice-breaker such as fun and unique digital games can put everyone on the same level and energize them for your presentation. By starting with an ice-breaker, it will show doctors that the talk will be interactive and require their participation.
  2. Think of interactive activities that will allow two-way discussions with doctors – Having two-way discussions with doctors is yet another way to incorporate learning principles and improve overall presentation. Consider thinking of interactive activities that will not only keep doctors engaged but let them feel that their ideas are valued and appreciated.
  3. Use humor – Include photos of mistakes done by people who deal with healthcare issues by themselves. For example, present photos of what people are doing but should not be done during a vertigo attack.  This will get doctors to explain the right way to do things or handle different situations, especially when undergoing diseases.
  4. Use props – The first thing to keep in mind when deciding which props to help convey your story is that they need to be relevant. For example, bringing a human brain model which doctors can also use to discuss how certain diseases affects the brain.  Don’t bring random props that are interesting but are a huge stretch to fit in with your content. Instead, bring props that intrigue the audience but still make sense with the information being shared.
  5. Use videos– You don’t have to be the only one talking during your presentation. Embed a video into one of your slides to switch up your audience’s focus. These clips will not only further emphasize the brand being presented, but as well as put doctors in the right mood.

As much as you want to get in touch with doctors to recognize their requests and convince them that the products or services you offer can best please the patients, your next presentation doesn’t have to be boring and predictable. By incorporating these interactive presentation ideas, you will not only be able to deliver your presentation genuinely, but as well as keep doctors engaged.